Learn how to use our platform to its full potential.
Your business listing can be thought of as a billboard. This is something that you can claim (verified as yours) and dress it up as you please.
We like to think of our listings as valuable real estate, something that when invested in can produce many, many returns for you. It’s another place for you to be discovered, an extension of what you’re already doing, and a place to tell your story.
For users, our City Guide is a great way to find content easily and quickly. The better you’re able to add great, succinct content, the easier you make it for people to find your offerings – whatever that may be!
We offer our local communities the opportunity to market and present themselves on our easy and affordable platform. By locals, for locals.
MetroPops is a small, creative team located in downtown Rochester. Do you have questions or need help? We are always here for you.
Email us at merchantsupport@metropops.com or use our Contact Us page.
The more information you provide, the better we’re able to serve you. Everything is searchable, from tags, categories, to business hours, and even the description you write about what you do and offer.
We’re able to market this information to our followers and users of MetroPops, easily and quickly. This, in turn, leads to better sales, more trust, and an overall better experience for not only consumers, but YOU, the merchants.
Easily keep your information updated. With our “Open Now” search feature, keeping your hours up-to-date will help more customers find you when you’re open.
Providing an up-to-date menu will entice them even more.
Your Listing Type determines not only how you’ll be categorized and found on the site, but also what type of information you’ll be able to provide based on your type of business.
These are currently 4 listing types:
Each listing type includes a logo, a cover photo, and a photo gallery.
Pro Tip: We use a web service called Canva. Canva offers a FREE version that is very capable of helping 99.9% of small, local businesses with graphics, photos, and more. Check it out!
You have the ability to share a video on your listing! Our platform can accept video links from Youtube, Vimeo, or similar platforms. The embeded video will play right in your listing.
Quickly create an account as a user on MetroPops and bookmark your favorite places and easily reference them at anytime from your dashboard. You can also create & submit reviews on individual listings when logged in.
Coming Soon! Neighbor listings will allow you to create a listing for yourself! Share your interests, photos, and connect with other people in your community.
Coming Soon! Join our membership for exclusive deals and member only events. Stay tuned for details.
Getting started is easy and you will be reaching more customers in no time.
Learn the ins and outs of MetroPops and use its full potential.
Simple, transparent pricing. Cancel or change plans any time.
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